Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Just a Little Confused

This post could easily come off snotty, but I truly don't mean it that way. What a way to start a post, huh?

I've noticed a pattern over the past 4 years I've been weightlifting. A trend. And it confuses me. I initially lost 25 lbs weightlifting with a trainer and slowly developed a healthy way of eating that was easy to maintain while still getting me to my goals. I'm in no way the most disciplined person ever. Heck, procrastination is my first personality trait. But I have maintained what many consider an "in shape" or "fit" physique for years with no more than maybe a 7 lb fluctuation here and there due to circumstances (knee injury or ankle injury). I don't do low carb, count calories, skip restaurant outings with friends, or spend crazy hours in the gym. So please understand my confusion when I say this: No one asks my advice on ANYTHING diet or exercise related.

In all these years, I've had 1 person trust the process and take my advice with both exercise and diet. And it was for only about 5 months. With results.

I just notice all these fad diets. Right now it's Plexus or Beach Body or these ridiculous 10 day or 30 day diets. Whole 30 is a common one. I don't know a single person that has maintained any of these diets for longer than the allotted time, and I'd say 99% gain back the weight after the diet is over. Because they don't prepare you for life or teach a healthy way of eating. Is anyone really ever going to give up anything processed FOREVER? Then what happens when you add it back into your diet? You gain your weight back.  Plus, my number one problem with fad diets is that it creates an unhealthy relationship with food. Groups of food are seen as "off limits" or "bad." Restricted calories are a constant worry. Who wants to live like that? Not me, so I don't.

I've written a post on flexible dieting before. It is a healthy relationship with food. It lets you live your life and go out to those restaurants with friends, birthday parties, or date nights with your spouse. No food is off limit and there's no end to the diet. It's more of a way of thinking about food. Compensate for splurges with lower carb or lower fat breakfasts if you are going out that night. Order the burger, but get a side salad instead of fries. It's all about balance.

I'll get someone every once in a blue moon that will say, "Angela, I'm wanting to "tone up" (ugh, the word) and lose about 10-15 lbs. What should I do?" So, I happily go through the basics of flexible dieting, downloading My Fitness Pal, doing quick and effective workouts a few times a week, etc. I always include that you won't lose 20 lbs in a week like you would if you did that absolutely ridiculous Atkins diet or Whole 30, but you will find a different way of eating and a different mindset that will help you maintain that weight loss…FOREVER! I'm always greeted with a scrunched up nose at the word "workouts". And then a few comments on how annoying it will be to log your food. Then eventually, the stab to the throat by saying, "I think I'm just going to do _____".

So, I don't get it guys. This isn't a pity party or a plea for reinforcement. It's just a fact. Ha. As I'm nearing my deadline for my Personal Trainer exam, I truly wonder if I will experience any success or effectiveness. If no one listens to me now, why will they in the future? This is much more of just thought ramblings than an informative post- so I apologize if it seems whiny or completely unproductive. Just some current things I'm working through!

Update: 2nd trimester is being much nicer to me! I've been eating healthier for the past few weeks and feel much better! Getting back in the gym even though it's been slower paced workouts. Approaching 20 weeks and weight gain is sitting right around 9 lbs. I'll take it! This would not have been possible if I had restricted a bunch of foods before pregnancy or did crash diets to get my weight down. Literally a year of flexible dieting, balanced intake, and consistency has lead to the ability of my metabolism to get me through rougher periods and keep my body in a stable and constant state. Another perk of flexible dieting and downfall of fad diets. Thanks for reading and I promise the next one will be informative!

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